
Visual Storytelling: How to complete your puzzle

By |2017-07-15T13:16:19-04:00April 30th, 2015|Infographics, Purpose, Mission, Values|

In marketing the big picture is like a lot of little pieces that make up a big jigsaw puzzle. And in this puzzle, every little piece is important because it connects to the next one to create the finished whole. Visual storytelling is like this jigsaw puzzle -- and you want to build a balanced view of your nonprofit's big picture. Here are four types of visuals to consider.

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The Top Five Early Childhood Infographics of 2013

By |2017-07-15T13:16:35-04:00September 2nd, 2013|Design, Social Marketing|

On a search for good visuals on early child development the other day, I suddenly realized that sustainability is not the only change marketing issue suffering from a dearth of quality infographics and compelling message images. Oh there are plenty of gratuitous baby photos tugging at heartstrings, but I found few visuals working hard to [...]

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The Top 5 Sustainability Infographics of 2013

By |2021-08-30T13:16:42-04:00June 3rd, 2013|Infographics, Sustainability|

You'd think I would have learned this lesson. Last year I set out criteria for evaluating quality and lamented the overall lack of sustainability infographics. This year I can report sustainability visuals are abundant, thanks in large part to the meteoric rise in popularity of the social network Pinterest. But I’m not at all sure visual [...]

The Rising (and Frightening) Power of Visual Content

By |2017-07-15T13:16:39-04:00February 21st, 2013|Marketing Strategy, Our Brains, Words, Language and Labels|

Indications of the rising power of visual communication surround us as consumers and marketers. But as visual content becomes the new norm, I confess I am beginning to find its rising dominance all but frightening personally, and professionally as well for the nonprofits, public agencies and triple bottom-line companies that Marketing Partners serves.

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The Top 6 Sustainability Infographics of 2012

By |2017-07-15T13:16:46-04:00August 20th, 2012|Design, Infographics|

I thought the explosion of infographics and visuals on sharing networks would mean I’d have no problem finding 6 good ones on the subject of sustainability, but this turned out not to be the case. Ideas to make the world a better place can be powerful — and complex. It seems social math examples, process [...]

Infographics that Educate and Inspire

By |2017-07-15T13:17:07-04:00August 23rd, 2010|Design, Fun, Infographics|

There's nothing better than a well-produced infographic — a chart that simply and beautifully captures and displays a bunch of quantitative information that would take pages of text to explain in words. Some things to look for in a good infographic include quick clarity (the presenting of data in not only a lucid but also [...]

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