SHARE! One of life’s first lessons seems to have changed to “send content to as many of your friends in as many circles as you can with the click of a button.” The nice thing about online sharing though is you don’t have to wait your turn to get it back. Share on Facebook! Tweet This! Digg this! Reddit? It’s definitely a Faves! Everyone’s seen the stand-alone “Tweet this” or “Share on Facebook” icons, but if you click a tiny “Share This” button and “View All,” an entire matrix of options is unveiled. To shed some light on some of the lesser-known tools, here are 3 that you might have missed but are worth checking out. What is a Sphinn? Did you just Fark? and who is this Mister Wong?

ShareThisButton-LargeIt often seems that Internet marketers get the most excited about new sharing and social media web applications as they fantasize about new ways to reach their target audiences. The sharing tool Sphinn was made for those who wake up every morning anxiously awaiting the next marketing breakthrough. Need 10 common mistakes most SEO analysts make? How about 9 infographics that will change your life? Designed as an aggregator of Internet marketing related content, users create a free account and share urls of cutting-edge, breakthrough, or buzz worthy web pages. The editors of Sphinn review the content and post with the intent of weeding out the junk and supplying only the most interesting content to their users. Although the topic of Internet marketing is broad, the content is refreshing as it’s far more than simply a steady dose of Mashable.

Fark, an almost offensive sounding tool, is actually a news aggregator for off-beat news or not-so-newsie entertainment. Similar to Sphinn, content can be Farked, which is sent to editors of the site who screen and post the most interesting. It’s not exactly a great source for up to the minute news, but it certainly has entertainment down to an art. Fark takes user-submitted content with headlines like “Fifty Years of Peach Corps” and expands it to “Peach Corps Celebrate 50 Years of Shipping Dirty Hippies Overseas,” so I suddenly find myself guiltily clicking to read the article.

Mister Wong, an international bookmarking tool out of Germany, has made its way to the U.S. It offers portals in 6 languages and has over 50 million users globally. This multi-language bookmarking tool allows you to search for top-rated sites, organize all of your favorite websites, links, and bookmarks so they can be accessed from anywhere, shared with comments or kept public, and recently added a connection with Twitter that can automatically import interesting links.

Sometimes it seems as if there are a zillion sharing tools out there and you just don’t need one more. But if you’re anything like me, you’ll take pleasure in exploring some of these lesser-known tools. Check them out.

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