I’m not a writer, I’m a web developer, so blog posts don’t come easily to me every time. Usually, my blog post topics here have been about things of a geeky nature, which is something I can get a little excited about since I like what I do for a living. The first few came pretty easily because it was something I was working on (Cooking with CMS) or something in the news at the time (Net Neutrality & Municipally Owned Telecoms). This time around, I’ve got nothing. Most of what has been in the news lately has been related to the weather. I have been doing a lot of work with the new version of Google Analytics, but they are still fine tuning it, so it’s too early to talk about that.

I’m not superstitious either, but this is my 13th blog post. Rather than risk some kind of curse from the interwebz, I decided to go the route of crowd source participation. I will tap our most precious resource, our readers, to draw ideas for my next blog post.

Google Docs

Image via Wikipedia

There are a few ways I can do this, but I will opt to keep it simple to set up, and simple to use. Google Docs is something many of you are familiar with (or t least are aware of), and it’s something I’m very familiar with. We have tested a few different survey or poll options, using different applications and services. Creating a Form in Google Docs works quite well for very simple surveys that don’t have logic streams or dependencies. In Google’s usual style, it’s free and easy to embed into your website (which you can see I’ve done below).

So here is my four question survey where I ask you, our readers, what you’d like to see from me next time…

I’ll be back next time with the results and a post on the topic of choice.