Summer can be a deceptively dangerous season, both personally and professionally. Personally, my summer “to do” list is growing about as fast as the days are going by. I have many projects around the house that I thought I would get done this month – if the weather cooperates. But it seems my list is getting longer and not shorter.

Maybe I was too ambitious. More likely, I’m too distracted by nice weather and all the other opportunities to have fun instead of work on my to do list.

I have an older ranch house and I’ve been working on updates for the best part of the last year. One of my projects this summer is to install new basement windows. I could have just done the simple upgrade but I thought I would seize the opportunity to make an improvement. So now, ten weeks later, my new windows sit in my garage waiting for me to dig the new window wells and for the concrete cutter to put me on his schedule. Now, I can only hope they get installed before Labor Day.

My problem? I didn’t have a deadline.

I knew what I wanted, and I know the steps. But, I didn’t set a plan with deadlines. I should have scheduled the concrete cutter as soon as I had a delivery date for my windows. I should have had the carpenter commit to an install date rather than agree to “just call”.

Marketing deadlines

With marketing, the plan is our guiding document. Just as important as the strategy and goals in a plan is the commitment to the work and timeline. Not only does a good plan outline our activities and keep the team on task, but it also lets us evaluate opportunities as they come up. Are they in the budget? Do they match our strategy? Do they accomplish a set goal?

You know what you want to accomplish and now is the time to set your deadlines and begin the work. So make the most of your vacation and whatever good weather comes our way, but don’t forget to check (or set) those deadlines.

There are only 164 shopping days until Christmas!