George Lakoff

Why Values-Based Communication?

By |2019-10-10T14:07:26-04:00November 29th, 2012|Purpose, Mission, Values, Words, Language and Labels|

Consistent values-based communication. We believe everyone benefits when a mission-driven business or nonprofit focuses on words, messages, issues, and strategies that emphasize shared values. So when my 14-year old grandniece asked “Why?” -- the question brought me up short.

Changing Minds: Frames Matter More Than Facts

By |2018-05-20T20:24:52-04:00August 26th, 2010|Behavior Change, Framing and Reframing, Persuasion, Words, Language and Labels|

I can no longer count on my fingers the number of times I've searched fruitlessly for the perfect, convincing set of facts to change minds or advance an issue. Really, I should know better. Facts are not what change peoples' mindsets. Frames are.

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