Yearly Archives: 2013

Should designers wear black after Labor Day?

By |2017-07-15T13:16:33-04:00October 7th, 2013|Design|

Decisions, decisions. Color choices shape our lives every day. We choose colors for our clothes, cars, walls, towels, dishes, even pets. We are surrounded and comforted by our choices, inundated and influenced by the colors we encounter in our environment. Color affects our mood, our actions, our quality of life, and our buying decisions. It is [...]

Google Giveth, and Google Taketh Away

By |2017-07-15T13:16:33-04:00October 3rd, 2013|Measurement, Metrics and KPIs, Tools and Technology|

By now, everybody who has any interest in SEO has heard the Google will soon be taking away keywords from Google Analytics. It's amazing how dependent most marketers and webmasters have become on keyword data. True, for years registered users of Google have been able to opt out of Google's search engine default mode of [...]

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Consistency is Key to Growing Your Brand

By |2017-07-15T13:16:34-04:00September 30th, 2013|Behavior Change, Marketing Strategy|

Our dear sweet dog, Maggie, passed this week and we have been reflecting on what an impact she made on us over the past 13 years. She was a little brown lab, but her presence was huge. Tail wagging every time anyone came to the door, always ready to play, swim, hike, walk or run--always [...]

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On Grammar, Writing and First Impressions

By |2017-07-15T13:16:34-04:00September 26th, 2013|Words, Language and Labels|

There is certainly nothing like a blog post on grammar to get a group of communicators going! Recently, on Spin Sucks, a favorite PR blog of ours, Gini Dietrich posted 12 grammatical errors that we’ve all probably made at some point in our lives. In the comments section, I added my own grammar pet peeve [...]

Best Ads of 2013 (so far)

By |2017-07-15T13:16:34-04:00September 23rd, 2013|Advertising and Media|

Between Super Bowl advertising and the holiday season, there sometimes seems to be an advertising wasteland. There are some advertising bright spots out there though, despite the ease with which I’m able to find deplorable sexist or ineffective ads to critique. Since the annual football advertising extravaganza, here are the four best ads of 2013 [...]

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Solid Writing Skills Are More Critical Than Ever

By |2017-07-15T13:16:34-04:00September 19th, 2013|Words, Language and Labels|

Nugget. In today’s world of writing brief “nuggets” of information, some people may not care or think solid writing skills are important for digital delivery. I would argue, however, that quality writing is now more critical than ever. Quality writing can be an opportunity to help your peers, colleagues or friends evaluate your message. In [...]

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Top Tips for Your Google AdWords Paid Search Advertising Campaign

By |2013-09-16T22:07:48-04:00September 16th, 2013|Advertising and Media, Marketing Strategy|

Measurable, flexible, cost-effective – Google AdWords paid search advertising sounds great, right?!?! Not that I’m getting older or anything, but it’s going on two decades (since my early days in NYC at Digitas) when I first heard paid search engine marketing presented as a silver bullet. Wiser now, I know there is no such thing [...]

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