Media Literacy

Media Literacy, Children and Mindful Marketing

By |2018-06-14T13:10:33-04:00April 11th, 2013|Advertising and Media, Media Literacy|

Media literacy, children and mindful marketing have been on my mind lately. My nine-year-old daughter has recently become interested in knowing how things work in the world. For example, she’s questioning the existence of the Tooth Fairy (“It’s really you and Dad, right?), confused over the number of different religions (“But which one is right?”), [...]

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Technology, Traditional Media, and Social Media in Sports

By |2017-07-15T13:16:50-04:00April 9th, 2012|Media Literacy, Tools and Technology|

The rising tension between technology, traditional media, and social media in sports has been very evident lately. The first example, if you haven’t heard, is the biggest story in the sports world at this moment about a league that isn’t currently in season. Gregg Williams, formerly defensive coordinator for the New Orleans Saints football program, has [...]

Media Influence and Our Children

By |2020-04-11T11:35:17-04:00May 5th, 2011|Advertising and Media, Media Literacy|

We know that the media has a tremendous influence on our children. Advertisers know this too. As a parent of two children, I sometimes find myself longing for the days when the Brady Bunch and Gilligan’s Island were the after-school programs of choice. (They don’t make TV like that any more.) These days you [...]

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Reframing the Impact of Technology on Our Brains

By |2021-08-30T11:11:43-04:00February 24th, 2011|Behavior Change, Framing and Reframing, Media Literacy, Our Brains, Words, Language and Labels|

I was talking with a friend recently about the impact of technology on our brains. This is an old and dear friend from my childhood, a writer and expat who lives in Italy, and someone I don't get the chance to talk with as much as I'd like to. She said: "I'm so tired of [...]

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Children Growing up in the Digital Age: A Parent’s View

By |2017-07-15T13:17:04-04:00January 13th, 2011|Best Practices and Tools, Decision Making, Media Literacy, Social Media, Tools and Technology|

Image via Wikipedia I’ll never forget the time when my then-five-year-old daughter asked a question at the dinner table. Neither my husband or I knew the answer, so she chirped, “Let’s Google it!” She got up from the table and headed for the computer. My husband and I looked at each other half smiling, half [...]

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Social media: The more things change…

By |2021-08-30T13:14:01-04:00November 11th, 2010|Communication and Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Media Literacy, Social Media|

With seemingly new networking gadgets and applications coming on the scene almost every day, the world of social media can be an overwhelming place. If you haven’t yet tested these waters —you may be in a shrinking minority—but don’t worry, there’s time. As a public relations professional, it was imperative that I embrace the [...]

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