Communication and Marketing

The B2B Funnel Revolution: Did You Miss It?

By |2021-08-30T12:56:08-04:00March 4th, 2013|Best Practices and Tools, Marketing Strategy|

The B2B funnel seemed like one of the few bedrocks of marketing and advertising you could count on. Since the turn of the century, AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action) made sense as a shorthand description of the events leading buyers through what was labeled alternatively as a marketing, purchase or sales funnel. But the events and steps leading to a purchase decision have changed, and time-pressed business owners and managers at SMBs, small-to-midsize business, can easily underestimate the extent of the change. Did you know that today more than 90% of B2B buyers start their purchasing cycle by looking for solutions and suppliers on the Internet?

The Rising (and Frightening) Power of Visual Content

By |2017-07-15T13:16:39-04:00February 21st, 2013|Marketing Strategy, Our Brains, Words, Language and Labels|

Indications of the rising power of visual communication surround us as consumers and marketers. But as visual content becomes the new norm, I confess I am beginning to find its rising dominance all but frightening personally, and professionally as well for the nonprofits, public agencies and triple bottom-line companies that Marketing Partners serves.

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Don’t Worry, Be Happy: Matching Messages to Mood

By |2017-07-15T13:16:40-04:00February 11th, 2013|Persuasion, Research, Social Media|

A good friend and neighbor just happens to be an applied mathematician interested in modeling a variety of physical, biological, and social phenomenon (he’s a super smart guy).  Much of his work with numbers and data is way over my head but a recent study grabbed my attention. Chris Danforth and his students at the [...]

Digital versus Traditional Content: It’s not one or another

By |2017-07-15T13:16:40-04:00February 7th, 2013|Behavior Change, Marketing Planning|

I love it when a lesson in my personal life reinforces a lesson in my professional life. It makes great fodder for this blog. Let me explain. In early January I received my latest issue of Cooking Light magazine. I have been a long-timer subscriber and it’s my favorite magazine. Each issue is full of [...]

How to Generate Sales Leads and Customers from Your Blog

By |2017-07-15T13:16:40-04:00January 24th, 2013|Communication and Marketing, Social Media|

Have you been disappointed that your experience does not seem to match the widely reported HubSpot and Social Media B2B research that shows companies with an active blog generate 67% more sales leads than those without blogs? Blogging well takes time and considerable effort, so whatever your blog’s goals, you want to measure your success. [...]

Storify: Building Stories Across Social Network Boundaries

By |2017-07-15T13:16:40-04:00January 21st, 2013|Public Relations, Social Media, Tools and Technology|

The digital age has brought us millions of new online services and apps to help us share information and be more connected.  One of these services, Storify, relates specifically to connecting communities of interest across multiple social networking sites. It’s a good way to get a snapshot look at what people are posting about a [...]

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